Organic chocolate bar

The Gégona Corporation and the Foreign Trade Division, promote those artisanal and organic products of Colombian enterprises, generating action plans that allow the recognition and use of these products in other spaces to create a commercial, social and environmental impact; always looking for better opportunities for our business partners, in order to expand from a local market to an international market.

We trade the product from the company CACAO PURO DALIK that was created whose main objective is the production of high-quality premium chocolate 100% real cocoa. The company works hand in hand with farmer associations of cocoa farmers in the region through strategic alliances for the preparation of producers for the realities of the market and all the challenges that this business has; and in turn teach them to cultivate in a way that is sustainable and environmentally friendly.

More than 10 references of organic chocolates are handled with chocolate purity levels that ranges between 50% and 100%. Among its ingredients are sunflower seeds, mint, mango, pineapple, and chili. These ingredients are described on the nutritional board of each reference.

For more information you can contact us on WhatsApp

Benefits of Dark Chocolate:

  • It has a large amount of fiber that helps maintaining a stable cholesterol.
  • Decreases the risk of a cardiovascular disease.
  • Due its antioxidant effects, it is skin regenerative.
  • Improves memory performance because it is flavonoid-rich.
  • Relieves stress and it is a natural antidepressant.

Benefits of Organic “Panela”:

  • It has essential nutrients for the development, which helps the immunological system strengthening.
  • Upgrades energy.
  • Regulates heart rate, strengthen bones and prevents cavities by its phosphorus and calcium-content.
  • Reduce blood glucose.